Our 2023 Sponsors
Yet again this year we have received a fantastic level of sponsorship and the Committee of Patterdale Dog Day are hugely indebted to the sponsors who have contributed to this year’s event. Without their very kind support this event would not be possible.
If you would like to be a sponsor of our show, please do contact us.
Main Sponsor - Thomson Hayton Winkley-Rural Law Practice, Kendal - www.thelegal.co.uk
Askham Hall/Ciel Hotels Askham - www.askhamhall.co.uk
Alan Glendinning Haulage Ltd, Penrith - www.alanglendinning.biz
Catstycam - www.catstycam.com
Cranstons, Penrith - https://cranstons.net/
Fellbites, Glenridding - http://www.fellbitescafe.co.uk/
Glenridding Mini Mart
Glenridding Sailing Centre - https://www.glenriddingsailingcentre.co.uk/
Inn on the Lake - https://www.lakedistricthotels.net/innonthelake/
Kilco - https://www.kersia-group.com/uk/
Lake District National Park - https://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/
Miller Farming - https://www.millerfarming.co.uk/
M and A Taxi, Glenridding -
Metcalfe Plant Hire - https://metcalfe-plant-hire.co.uk/
O'Malley Plant Hire, Penrith - www.omalley-groundworks.co.uk
Patterdale Hall Estates - https://the-estate.co.uk/
Penrith & District Farmers Mart, Penrith - www.penrithauction.com
Penrith Farmers and Kidds - https://www.pfk.co.uk/
Rheged - https://rheged.com/
R & R Corner Shop - http://www.cornershop.uk.com/
St Patricks Boat landing - www.stpatricksboatlandings.co.uk
T.W Relph and Sons LTD - www.twrelph.co.uk
Tirril Brewery - https://tirrilbrewery.uk/
Ullswater Steamers - https://www.ullswater-steamers.co.uk/
Verey Books - https://vereybooks.co.uk/
WCF - https://www.wcfpetandequestrian.co.uk/